Welcome to Claims Firm Limited, we have over 25 years of expertise
  • Studio 1 305a Goldhawk Road, London
    UK, W12 8EU
  • 0800 233 5526

About Us

We’re here to help you – find out who we are

Claims Firm Limited was founded in 2010 by Negar Yazdani, a lawyer and former banker, to obtain financial redress for consumers for mis-sold financial products and since then, it has successfully collected compensation for tens of thousands of clients from banks and other companies on a range of financial products.

Our litigation specialists, based in London, deliver an exceptional service to clients while facilitating access to justice on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis

We represent individuals against banks, insurance companies and other large companies in complex litigation. We are the leading law firm in financial mis-selling claims combining our extensive legal knowledge and financial experience to fight for compensation that is rightfully due to our clients.


Our clients are our number one priority and we aim to ensure that we get you the best possible results, by understanding our clients’ needs and listening to our customers feedback to deliver the best service possible. We are in the forefront of cutting-edge tools and technology which allows our lawyers to serve our clients more efficiently..

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